Animal Print pattern. Let´s make it together! Part 2

Have you already woven the pieces of the Leopard double pattern? Because it's time to make the Animal Print big! Remember that in THIS VIDEO I detail the step by step instructions to join the pieces and build the bag. If you prefer to read the instructions, here we go with the explanation. >> Read... Continue Reading →

Woven square designs to inspire you

A few months ago one of my students asked me where she could get woven square designs: combinations of colors and stitches, basically. At first I thought I didn't know where from, because maybe the fun lies in inventing the patterns by ourselves, or not? Maybe not! My next thought was, EUREKA, she is now... Continue Reading →

Adapt 4×4″ patterns to the Kayu – PART 2

After this post in which I told you about my experience adapting 4x4" pin loom patterns to looms 3 times larger, like the Kayu, I decided to give the 1st free Webinar to show the process in more detail and also the live examples.     I loved the experience! When going "live", many things... Continue Reading →

How to be creative with or without a pin loom

You have probably heard that when someone teach you something you forget it faster than when you learn it by yourself. Although learning it by yourself takes more time, no doubt. But there is something even more important that you should know: when you learn something by yourself, you discover things that no one could... Continue Reading →

Adapt 4×4″ patterns to the Kayu – PART 1

When you have many patterns to weave on 4x4" looms (Zoom Loom / Weave-It) and also pattern books and perhaps you have already ventured to invent your own stitches and patterns, surely you have wondered if you can use them on other larger looms, to make larger pieces. The answer is YES! And in this... Continue Reading →

Learn the Zig Zag effect

What I'm going to tell you, I'm sure it happens to you too.. When I don't have a project in mind, I take some leftover yarn from here and there and... I try to see what comes out! And that's how, using the Lion Bran yarns that I had left over from the Pompa Poncho,... Continue Reading →

The Mom´s Project

This year on Mother´s Day I am bringing you a surprise project for all weaving moms as a special gift for you. The novelty is that I made this project in 5 days and that exactly is how I published it, from Monday to Friday: each day I posted in my Instagram and The Ullvuna... Continue Reading →

How to combine color yarn

When it comes to being creative, many of us are afraid of mixing colors, of not combining them correctly, of making it hard to make a garment, of finishing it and only then seeing that the colors we choose do not completely convince us... does this happened to you ? Well, today I want to... Continue Reading →

We love patterns!

When I made my first book 100 Pin Loom Squares (2015), I honestly did not know about 4x4" pin looms or Colombian looms or trio looms, whatever you want to call them. Making that book was a path of discovery, of successes and errors, because although I have learned a lot, it takes time to... Continue Reading →

What if.. I don´t have any bulky yarn?

A few days ago I finished a weaving on the bias pin loom class at @stitchesevents in which my students asked me a lot about yarn thicknesses: what is the ideal one for pin looms, how to distinguish the right one among rustic yarns, sometimes without classification, what to do if I don´t want to... Continue Reading →

3 Basic Shapes to Weave on the Bias

About 13 years ago I discovered pin looms. My mother had gone to Argentina for a trip and she had seen an artisan in the street weaving with this "wooden frame with nails", which caused her a lot of curiosity. My mom is an avid crocheter, regid loom weaver, macramé maker and knitter, but this... Continue Reading →

Oversize Projects Book Presentation

A few weeks ago I had the great experience of presenting my book Oversize Projects on a Pin Loom at the Stitches Events February event. Since last year I have been teaching pin loom classes by Zoom at some of the monthly events of this North American company that has been teaching various in-person craft... Continue Reading →

Cochamó Purse

In my newfound (silent) campaign "wear your weavies," I've been more inspired than ever. I want to show how exploitable loom-woven squares are, that you can create infinitely with them, but I also want to create objects and clothes that I like, that I love the idea of wearing, hoping that the same will happen... Continue Reading →

Kayu Bang Bag with leftovers

The surprise project that I bring you today is made with the 3 geometric figures of the KAYU: square, rectangle and triangle. The Bang Bag, a color explosion (as the Big Bang!) It is the first project in which I integrate the 3 figures and the purpose is precisely that, to open your creative mind... Continue Reading →

Cardboard weaving ideas

I love to constantly find different materials at home to weave mini woven pieces, because they allow me to reuse materials that have been around loose or stored for years, abandoned in a drawer, such as cardboard, old notebooks, wool scraps, wood scraps, etc. But what I like most about these little discoveries is the... Continue Reading →

Easy woven tartan basket project

As I have told many times, woven squares are my weakness (sounds nerd, I know..) , but they are so easy and fast to do and the possibilities are so endless that I just cannot resist! I will stop explaining and start doing! So now I invite you to make with me a lovely plaid... Continue Reading →

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